Directory of Franchises in United Kingdom

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Own a Business in the UK

Browse the best franchise opportunities available near you, at Franchise Planet.

Whether you’re looking to open a new business or purchase an existing territory as a resale, there are over 1,000 opportunities to explore. Franchising offers a route to self employment. One that provides you with training, support, a proven business model and an established brand. If you’re looking to open a business in the UK, why not explore franchising?

Franchising is where a business owner makes their brand available to a third party, for them to run a business in their own area. Using the franchisor’s brand, the investor benefits from a wealth of support and tools to run the business effectively.

Franchising is business ownership. Could you be a business owner in your area?

How to Invest in a UK Franchise?

Franchising is quickly becoming a preferred option for entrepreneurs. With lower risk and higher success rates, in many scenarios, it makes sense to invest in a franchise. There are many businesses actively involved within franchising in the UK. Banks, consultants, legal specialists, many of whom work with the British Franchise Association to bring out the best in franchising.

The first step to becoming a business owner via franchising is exploring the sector. Attend exhibitions to meet franchisors and ask questions. Franchise exhibitions often hold insight seminars to help grow your knowledge, and offer the opportunity to ask questions. With over 1,000 franchised businesses in England, Scotland and Wales, there’s something for everyone.

Make a list of franchises that interest you. Explore each one carefully, researching their background, advantages and disadvantages. Shortlist the best ones. You can request a franchise info pack / prospectus on this website, a document detailing more about the franchise and what it consists of.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet with the franchisor for any brands that you feel are a perfect fit. Again this is a fantastic opportunity to ask questions. The franchisor will want to make sure you’re the right fit too, as a franchise network is bound by all franchisees sharing the same goals.

Become a Business Ownership with Franchising

Explore franchises and business opportunities in the UK at Franchise Planet. Whether you’re looking to run a business from home, or you’re looking to open a shop based business, there’s a World of Franchises out there.

Discover entrepreneurship via franchising. Could you be a business owner this time next year?

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