Advertise Your Franchise Opportunity With Franchise Planet

Boost your franchise and business opportunity presence online by creating greater awareness and generate franchisee recruitment leads.

Whether you’re a new or experienced franchisor, or a franchise consultant looking to generate more leads for your clients, we can help.

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Franchise Directory Advertising Packages

Why Choose Franchise Planet

Established in 2021, we have worked with many franchised businesses and consultancy experts to help deliver engaged prospects. If you’re looking to expand your network, why not join us?


Franchise Planet doesn’t cost the earth. In fact, it’s free to list your franchise. You only pay for increased exposure.


Only get franchise leads relevant to your business. Franchise Planet only sends you leads from parties who have directly expressed interest in your brand.


Empower your online presence with full profile content, videos, success stories and discovery days. A greater profile promises greater results. Ready to start advertising? Contact us today.

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Why We’re Different

Our goal is to give aspiring entrepreneurs as much choice as possible. We do this by positioning Franchise Planet as a free franchise portal. Free means more accessibility for all franchisors regardless of budget. There are many free business directories out there, so why should franchising be any different? Where some franchise directory websites charge over £150 a month, our base package is £0.

When it comes to franchise portal lead generation, there is no one-size-fits-all. Different portals work better for some businesses than others. Meanwhile on the other hand, that same portal might not work well for that franchisor’s counterpart. To get results that work, you need to try out different directories and advertising strategies. But with a franchise directory that’s free, you’re not throwing money away on strategies that don’t work. So what have you got to lose?

Our mission is to create an expansive franchise directory listing the best franchise and business opportunities available in the UK. Are you one of them? Join us today.

Maximise Your Brand Presence

Leverage our franchise directory platform to its fullest extent. Benefit from free franchise advertising or increase your potential lead volumes with our upgrade options. Simply request a rate card to learn more about our pricing for upping your exposure.

Unlimited Franchise Resales

It’s free to advertise your franchise with Franchise Planet. It’s also free for you to list your franchise resales with us. These will be shown as individual listings, as well as visibile via your main franchise profile ad (if you have one).

Full Profile Content

There are no limits to the number of videos, success stories and words you can have on your profile. A better listing has a better chance of standing out and wowing your next potential franchisee. If you’re getting results, we know we’ve done our job.

Lead Reporting Software

If you have your own franchise leads CRM, we are happy to help you link that up. Either with Zapier or by sending leads to your parser CRM.

If you don’t have a CRM, we can provide you access to our leads management platform where you can view your enquiries.

Social Media Inclusion

Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook and Instagram are major players in getting seen online. As a franchisor advertising with us, you’ll get included in our posts on these platforms. We run various paid search ads on other platforms too to bring quality traffic to you.

Your Profile Your Way

We can design a franchise listing for you based on either content you supply, another franchise portal or using content from your franchise prospectus.

Listings are fully customisable, from the top banner image right down to the colours of your headlines.

Paid Upgrades Available

Drive greater volume of traffic to your listing with one of our prominence enhancing upgrades. From industry, location and lifestyle directory sponsorship to direct mailer campaigns, we can target the audience specific to your requirements.

Ready To Get Started?

Complete the form below and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy. Whether you’re looking to get a free listing, request a media pack or you’re a new contact and wish to amend a profile, no problem is too big or small.


I have only just put my Franchise on the market, I have been made many many promises by two companies who I won’t name ( but feel free to get in touch direct with me at Live Like Loyalty if you want me to spill ) . Not only have they both charged me huge amounts but one has overcharged and ignored me and only sent 3 leads, the other hasn’t even started marketing me yet. So back to this wonderful company, they got in touch, they did a ‘behind the business’ write up at no charge, they then put me on their homepage still no charge – then suddenly in the last 3 days I have had a huge influx of enquiries – SO MANY that I asked them if I could start paying them as it seemed unfair they are doing this for free! Hopefully the enquiries will go up even more now we are paying but quite honestly even if they don’t I cannot complain. Another thing I emailed asking for advice about something and they responded within an hour – this was not in their remit! So above and beyond once again. Lastly I have already had two leads in the last week sign NDA so they are quality leads. I could not recommend them enough!

Live Like Loyalty

Happy Franchisor

Advertising Terms and Conditions

  • Free listings are delivered on the basis of providing a profile on the Franchise Planet website and come with no guarantee of leads. There is no charge for leads (enquiries) under a free plan.
  • All listings are subject to editorial approval. To maximise chances of approval please ensure you are using a branded email address.
  • Paid upgrades are no guarantee of leads. We can only guarantee leads on a Pay Per Lead plan as agreed, with terms of lead volume as per the invoice.
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