Franchises for Sale in Kent

Browse the Best Franchises and Business Opportunities in Kent, UK at Franchise Planet

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Live Like Loyalty Franchise

Home Based

Support your local economy by providing the local workforce access to the e...

City Express Franchise

Food Delivery

Run a local food ordering app in your area with City Express licensing oppo...

Active Future Franchise

Activity Franchise

Help keep your community moving by becoming a franchise owner with one of t...

Relax Kids Franchise

Wellbeing Franchise

Relax Kids is the UK's Only Children's Mental Health Wellbeing Franchise. B...

Iprosurv Franchise

Drone Business

This is an opportunity for entrepreneurial minds to chart their path to suc...

WorkSpace Recruitment Franchise

Recruitment Franchise

Run your own scalable business with the UK's fastest growing permanent recr...

Gourmet Sushi Franchise

Sushi Franchise

After nearly a decade of continuous growth and soaring demand, Gourmet Sush...

The Cost Reduction Company Franchise

B2B Franchise

Join a leading B2B franchise helping businesses cut their costs, while redu...

The Spashback Shop Franchise

Home Improvement

The Splashback Shop team aim to service a gap in the UK splashback installa...

Kingsmaid Franchise

Management Franchise

Start your own management cleaning franchise business today with Kingsmaid....

Signarama Franchise

Signage Franchise

Join Signarama, the world's largest franchise in the sign industry. We will...

La Casita Tapas Franchise

Food Franchise

Join La Casita on their mission to bring people together and create convers...

Franchises and Business Opportunities in Kent

Kent makes up the majority of South East England, bordering East Sussex and London. Home to Folkestone and Dover, two major cities linking to France, Kent is one of the first places people pass through when arriving from Europe. The Channel Tunnel makes arriving by car swift and easy, and with so many tourist destinations in Kent, it is a fantastic place for UK franchise opportunities.

Best Places to Open a Franchise in Kent

Maidstone is one of the busiest places in Kent, and thanks to a population of over 100,000, makes a great place to set up shop. With Leeds Castle just a stone's throw away, Maidstone makes a popular destination for both tourists and people looking to live here. Right in the middle of Kent, Maidstone has fantastic transport links to the capital and surrounding cities.

The White Cliffs of Dover are widely recognised, from their placement in music lyrics to TV shows and film. It's no wonder people love to visit Kent, and Dover and surrounding areas are too, great places to run a franchise.

That said, anywhere in Kent is just as good when it comes to running a franchise, because Kent is one of the most populous counties in the UK. With a total population of over 1.5million (Source: Census 2021), Kent is the South East's busiest county after London (Hampshire 1.4m, Sussex combined 1.3m).

Best Types of Franchises in Kent

  • Coffee and Retail Franchises - Kent is the ideal place to open a coffee shop. The Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells is a popular shopping district with many dated buildings. With the Southern, Eastern and Northern parts of Kent all bordered by seaside towns and beaches, coffee shops (be it storefront and van based) are a no-brainer. Mobile coffee van franchises can also enjoy business at events, tourist hotspots and busy areas.
  • Cleaning Franchises - Cleaning franchises are usually run on either a domestic basis, commercial basis or both. With Kent's large population, both have just as much demand. There are many different types of cleaning franchises - from oven cleaning through to gutters and end of tenancy property services, many of which franchises can be run from home.

Take a look around our Kent franchise directory today and find your ideal franchise.

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